Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Parents of William Pinckney Williams

The parents of William Pinckney Williams are Elial and Eliza Self Williams. The proof for this connection comes in the form of the will of Elial Williams, where he list his 4 children's names.

William P. Williams, born Oct 21, 1836- June 18,1902

Martha C. Williams

Andrew Jackson Williams, born Jan 14, 1839-Nov 12,1879

Benjamin Franklin Williams, Oct 1842

Elial owned land on Lawson Fork Creek and Fair Forest Creek. He apparently bought and sold land as a way of income, since I found several deeds from transactions he made, of course this is speculation. Elial was also a farmer, owning several hundred acres of land.

Elial died sometime between 1842 and Oct 24, 1844. I know this because his youngest child has born in 1842 and his widow remarried on Oct 24, 1844. I have not been able to find the name of Elial's parents, although a good bet would be Frederick Williams since he is listed as a neighbor of Elial in the 1830 census. It was common for children to be the neighbors of their parents during this time period. So far this is the only hint regarding his parents.

The 1850 census shows Eliza married to Henry Jefferson Bishop at that time. The census taker made a mistake by listing William as a Bishop, but the other children were listed as Williams'.

Eliza had at least 9 children with Henry Jefferson Bishop. Jefferson Bishop was also a neighbor of Elial and Frederick Williams. He is also mentioned in the will of Elial as one of the witnesses.

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